Few things will send recruiting firms into a fearful panic quite like the idea of embarking on an ATS data migration. But the truth is, data migrations, when executed by an experienced vendor, are actually very low risk, and easy to complete. The fear of a data migration catastrophe is largely tied to a fear of the unknown. The more a firm learns about the facts and how the data migration process works, the easier it is to quiet the fear.
Firms shouldn’t let fear dictate whether they switch providers and undergo a data migration. The decision to switch ATS providers should be based on the system’s functionality, productivity, and long-term value, not the unlikely event of a failed data migration.
The first step to taking the stress out of a data migration is to understand the process.
Extract, Transform, and Load
A portion of the stress recruiters experience when thinking about a data migration is the perceived difficulty of the project. But it’s actually a pretty simplistic 1-2-3 process that experienced IT consultants conduct every day. The process starts by extracting all your data from your previous system, transforming it be compatible with the new system, and then loading it into the new system. And just like that, your data has been migrated.
See, nothing to be stressed about.
Be Prepared to Contribute to the Data Migration
And don’t believe any vendor that tells you otherwise. For a migration to work, there has to be flexibility on both sides. You MUST be responsive with your vendor. One of the primary reasons for a delay in a migration is lack of communication between the client and the vendor. The migration process requires some iteration, and a vendor won’t be able to move forward with acceptance from the client.
If the vendor doesn’t get timely responses from the client, the data migration comes to a halt. Of course, you want to ask thorough questions or recommendations when your vendor is asking for approval, but ultimately the vendor needs you to make the call.
Selecting the Right Vendor
As with all successful business partnerships, finding a vendor that you can trust is crucial. When you’re tired of the limited functionality and capabilities of your current ATS system, you’ll want to be thorough in your search for a new vendor. When talking to potential vendors, make sure you’re asking them questions that will allow you proceed with the data migration thinking only about all the positives that will come with your new system, instead of the unlikely event of a failed data migration.
Questions to ask include:
- How many data migrations has the vendor successfully completed?
- What experience does the vendor have in executing data migrations from a variety of data sources with different formats?
- Has the vendor completed a data migration from the ATS you currently use?
- Has the vendor had any failed migrations? How were they handled and what was the reason?
- How long will the entire process take?
- What are my responsibilities during the process?
What Else Should Recruiters Know About ATS Data Migrations?
Don’t let your fear of a failed data migration trap you into sticking with a dated ATS system that isn’t fitting your firm’s business goals. By understanding the process of data migration and finding a vendor that you can trust, there’s nothing to stress about.
What else should recruiters know about ATS data migrations? Download our eBook, The Recruiters Guide to Data Migration today.