Curated HR & Sourcing Blogs for March 2017
Happy Spring everyone! Here’s hoping that it actually feels like spring wherever you may be. March offered several interesting, useful, and amazing sourcing/recruiting blog fodder in the HR and Recruiting world. Again we have picked out the articles below we think you will enjoy and hope you benefit from the voices singled out as superior this month. Thanks to the authors for sharing their expertise with us. We’ve included the publication, author, Twitter name, title of the article, and a quick snippet of each article. Enjoy!
Talent Culture – Katie McBeth (@ktmcbeth)
Millennials: Helping the “Workaholic” Generation
We live in a world that is constantly in “on” mode. Smart phones, computers, emails, and phone calls; even after you clock off from work, it’s so easy to forget to actually “check out.” This raises a new question: is the lack of work-life balance a healthy transition? Could millennials’ work ethic be hurting themselves? In order to mitigate this imbalance, there are a couple of ways that Human Resources (and company leaders) can adjust the unequal lifestyle habits of millennials without taking away from their autonomy.
Breaking up Sourcing & Recruiting Still Unsettled
Fistful of Talent – Tim Sackett (@TimSackett)
How Should We Break Up Sourcing and Recruiting?
We suck as talent acquisition leaders. We suck because we don’t share with each other all of our failures! One of the biggest TA failures over the past decade has been this concept of how to break up Sourcing and Recruiting. It’s still one of the hottest topics in recruiting process!
Recruiting Tools – Jackye Clayton (@jackyeclayton)
The Five: Most Popular Dean Da Costa Videos
A listing of the top 5 Dean Da Costa videos on Sourcing. Great place to learn more about tips and tricks for successful sourcing/recruiting.
Smashfly Blog – Candidate Experience – Julia Levy (@RecruitingJulia)
Boolean Strings – Irina Shamaeva (@braingain)
LinkedIn-Based IQ Test
Whether Boolean, Semantic, or Machine Learning win the global search quality competition, remains to be seen. But a search system quality, by definition, depends on how well users can get results they want. For that, a user’s understanding of what to expect in the results is important (I hope you agree with the last statement).
Hello Talent Blog – Dustin Robinson
Talent Sourcing and Spring Cleaning?
When it comes to spring cleaning most of us tend to think of getting rid of the junk that has accumulated in garages and attics, but it can just as easily apply to sourcing. As a sourcer and recruiter you’ve probably accumulated a lot of information about a lot of candidates, but how well is it organized? How much redundant information do you have? Is everything up to date? Taking the time to do some spring cleaning in your talent pools and hiring pipeline can help you to better stay on top of things and be more prepared to place the right people in the right jobs.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our Top 10 Recruiting/Sourcing Articles for March 2017!