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In this episode, Kortney Harmon joins Brad Bialy and Matt Lozar on Haley Marketing’s podcast, Insights.


  • What’s changing in the staffing industry?
  • A call block a day keeps poverty away
  • You can’t just be an order taker!
  • Are your organizational processes uniform from team member to team member?
  • STOP being distracted by the newest tool!
  • What is Kortney’s biggest takeaway from “The Full Desk Experience
Brad Bialy
(LinkedIn / Twitter)
Brad Bialy has a deep passion for helping staffing and recruiting firms achieve their business objectives through strategic digital marketing. For over a decade, Brad has developed a proven track record of motivating and educating staffing industry professionals at over 100 industry-specific conferences and webinars.
As a visionary leader, Brad has helped guide the social media, content marketing, and comprehensive marketing execution of more than 300 staffing and recruiting firms. His keen eye for strategy and delivery has resulted in multiple industry award-winning social media campaigns, making him a sought-after expert in the industry.
Matt Lozar

(LinkedIn / Twitter / Bio)

Matt Lozar works as the Director of Recruitment Marketing at the Haley Marketing Group, the nation’s largest marketing firm dedicated to servicing the staffing and recruiting industry.

As the Director of Recruitment Marketing, Matt focuses on the four pillars of recruitment marketing – career sites, job advertising, social recruiting and employer branding. Matt launched the job spend management division at the Haley Marketing Group, leading the company’s partnership with Appcast. Through the usage of programmatic software, the division grew more than 100 percent in 2022 after growing more than 200 percent in 2021! The department works with dozens of staffing agencies, managing millions of dollars of recruitment spend.

Matt has eight-plus years of working directly with staffing agencies and recruiters by helping them meet business goals and overcome marketing challenges. During that time, Matt has worked with more than 100 organizations to find the right content and digital marketing solutions. He also concentrates on online advertising while helping staffing agencies with social media planning, content strategy, search engine optimization, and email marketing.

Matt has appeared on more than 25 webinars across the industry while also talking at several industry conferences. He is a co-host on the Secrets of Staffing Success podcast, appearing on more than 100 episodes. Matt also holds a biweekly LinkedIn Live broadcast on Tuesdays at 11 am Eastern where he talks about recruitment marketing, content marketing, and job advertising.

 Kortney Harmon
Kortney Harmon is a staffing and recruiting industry principal at Crelate with over 12 years of experience in the talent industry. As a results-driven talent industry professional, Kortney has trained thousands of front-line recruiters and worked closely with hundreds of business owners and executives to develop and execute effective sales and recruitment strategies. She is also the host of the Full Desk Experience podcast where she shares her unique perspective on the industry and provides valuable guidance to listeners seeking to overcome growth blockers and achieve success.


Kortney Harmon [00:00:00]:

I recently had the privilege of being the guest on Haley Marketing’s Podcast Insights with Brad Biley and Matt Lozar. We covered so many great topics, including the changing landscape of the staffing industry, the importance of proactive outreach, understanding your clients’needs, establishing consistent processes, and focusing on fundamental strategies. I also shared my personal takeaways from Full Desk experience. This episode is a must listen for professionals, operations leaders, and executive team members. It was a fantastic discussion, and I’m confident you’ll find it just as insightful. Hi.

Kortney Harmon [00:00:39]:

I’m Kortney Harmon, staffing and recruiting industry principal at Crelate. Over the past decade, I’ve trained thousands.

Kortney Harmon [00:00:45]:

Of frontline recruiters, and I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners and executives to help their firms and agencies grow. This is the Full Desk Experience, where we will be talking about growth blockers.

Kortney Harmon [00:00:56]:

Across your people, processes, and technologies.

Brad Bialy [00:01:08]:

Hey, this is Brad Biley, and you just found Insights, the most listened to podcast by recruiters and staffing owners who want to learn what’s working in recruitment and digital marketing. If you’re new to the show, here’s what you can expect to hear every other week. Matt Lozar. Haley marketing’s director of Recruitment. Marketing. And I our Director of Digital Marketing. Break down what’s working for staffing and recruiting firms across North America. But Insights is not a marketing show. It’s a show built to help you get more job orders and more applications. And whether you stumbled upon the show or you’re here on purpose, we’re glad you’re here. Let’s get to it. What’s up? This is Brad Viley, and welcome back to another episode of Insights, the podcast built to help you with your recruitment and digital marketing. As always, I’m joined by Haley, marketing’s director of Recruitment. Marketing he’s Matt Lowezar. Matt, how are you feeling this week, budy?

Matt Lozar [00:02:02]:

We’re doing well, Brad. How are you doing?

Brad Bialy [00:02:04]:

I’m good, Matt. We got some rain, buddy. We got some rain. And I know this might as well just be a weather show, bud. The amount of times that we say, listen, don’t start the show and talk about the weather, don’t start the show and talk about golf, it’s all we got. And it is raining in Buffalo, New York. How’s it feel?

Matt Lozar [00:02:21]:

It’s great. I went outside, like Andy Dufrain from Shawshank Redemption last night and did the old arms wide open Nice Creed reference, too, for the folks who don’t know. I mean, literally, in Buffalo, it rained one day in 30 days. And I know this because it was a Saturday and it was my daughter’s picture day, and they took pictures under 10th, and it poured that day, of course, but one day in 30 days. But, hey, that’s all right. It was nice and sunny. It’s always weird when it rains after an extended break. I’m like, oh, it’s not like, sunny every day, right? But we’re here. Our grass will be greener. Brad will be happier. He can text me photos of his green grass and not his brown grass. And that’s weather and lawn care, according to Matt and Brad. That’s why you’re here.

Brad Bialy [00:03:05]:

That’s exactly why you’re here, right? It’s not to hear us talk about staffing and recruiting. It’s not to hear us talk about digital marketing or recruitment marketing. It’s your lawn care and golf podcast as well. From your friends at Haley Marketing. We got a special show for you guys this afternoon. We have Courtney Harmon, staffing and recruiting industry principal and podcast host from Creelate on today’s show. Courtney. Welcome to Insights.

Kortney Harmon [00:03:27]:

Thank you for having me. I’m so excited to be on here with you, too. What a good time. I would appreciate all the lawn care advice. I mean, ours is a little crispy, too, so I’m all here for it. And we got rain here in Ohio, too, so I’m super excited.

Brad Bialy [00:03:39]:

Good for you. We talk about our grass way too much. I don’t know if it’s just me and Matt. Don’t have anything else to talk out. I’m sure we do, but Matt texted me over the weekend about it. I think I texted him this morning about it. It’s just what we do.

Kortney Harmon [00:03:51]:

I love it.

Brad Bialy [00:03:51]:

Courtney, for people who are listening now who might not know who you are, walk us through sort of your background in your bio.

Kortney Harmon [00:03:58]:

Like you said, I’m the staffing and recruiting industry principal here at Crelate and podcast host for the full Desk Experience. I’ll get more into that in a minute, but my staffing and recruiting days started while I was in college. During the summer, I was working at a staffing office. You may know Aaron Grossman. I knew him back in the day from talent launch. I worked at his office while I was in college, so my background was actually education. Cue me. I love helping So, and I didn’t think I would always stay in the know. I worked there in the summer, helped do intake of people. Didn’t think I was going to stay here, but just like everyone else in the industry at Suction actually left for a little bit. I became the youngest athletic director and a teacher in a small town here in Ohio for about four to five years. Again, education is my passion. School levy was actually under review. Had me looking for a job. Ironically, put me right back in to teaching people how to use an ATS and a staffing and recruiting firm, ironically, that I used in college. So went back into an office. I started helping train, develop, and streamline their software. However, knowing what I knew in the industry and I mean, hello, I was a college athlete, so I’m a little competitive. I don’t want to say too much, but I saw a way to develop my own career and really get ingrained in the industry. So I actually went into running my own desk and was in the It space for seven years. So from that, I loved it again, loved talking to people. My two backgrounds then merged. So I then went into education of recruiting and staffing. I moved and helped train and develop MRI offices at the MRI network really started with our technology space, getting people up to par within the technology space but really found love in helping optimize within the industry. So I became leader of all new franchises for offices coming into the network worked with C Suites executives, owners as a business consultant to help those business insights, operations training and did coaching with hundreds of account executives across the nation where we really talked through weaknesses and strengths with coaching and delivered training programs to help excel their development. From there I took it a step further, went to Talent Launch and became their Director of Learning and Development. Obviously, they’re a network of ten companies. I created training for them. Walking into that they had no training. So really my team helped develop and train people coming into the network and over all of those pieces and all of those experiences and years of training really helped train extensive coaching, revamping processes, build engagement. Not only did the organizations I work with really see they saw increase in gross margin, I think it was like 142% within the first six months of production but helped eliminate turnover and increase retention. And it’s just fun, which has led me here to create I just help organizations in a different way. We’re an ATS, I’m sure we’ll talk about that in a minute, but I really run our thought leadership and really just host the full desk experience where we talk about growth blockers across your people, processes, technologies and to help organizations change their business. So I love my job. I get to talk all things about our industry just like you and help organizations scale. I mean, what’s not more fun than talking about metrics and helping people develop? One of our recent podcasts was Get Off the KPI Hamster Wheel where we got to talk about your metrics that are keeping your recruiting and staffing firms from I love I love talking about that, helping the functionality of reporting and just doing more with leaders in our industry.

Brad Bialy [00:07:41]:

You’re talking to two people who love data, matt obsesses over numbers. So you are in the right show for sure. You are staffing through and through. I mean, thinking through your whole background, it seems like everybody I meet in our industry falls into staffing, right? Nobody leaves college thinking I’m going to be a recruiter, I’m going to be in staffing, or this is what I’m going to do. I promise you everybody that I’ve met, let’s say 99%, because I’m sure there’s one person who said, listen, this is actually what I want to do. It just kind of happens, right? And it’s super interesting how you’ve sort of married what you love from the education space into what you love about staffing and sort of created this own path for yourself.

Kortney Harmon [00:08:18]:

It’s been ironic. And just like that, other 99% people don’t leave this space. They really like helping people. And we fall in love with the passion that we have. And my backgrounds merge perfectly. I couldn’t have thought of this 20 years ago, that this is where I’d be, but I have never been more happy in my life.

Brad Bialy [00:08:35]:

I think that’s true for probably Matt and I too. I mean, Matt, I don’t know that you saw yourself being a director of recruitment marketing ten years ago. I didn’t think leaving college that I’d be seeing a career path in social media and digital marketing. I mean, that didn’t even really exist when I started college, let alone when I came out. It was kind of new, exciting, but it wasn’t really a career path. Right. So it’s interesting how and I think this speaks to just understanding what you’re passionate about and sort of carving your own path in making that path. Right. And I think that’s really exciting. Walk us through what you do for the Full Desk Experience. So as the host of the show, pretend I don’t know anything about it, what’s the show about, and what would I expect if I were to tune in to the next episode?

Kortney Harmon [00:09:18]:

I love that. So the Full Desk Experience really has grown and really evolved into much more than we initially started back in September. So again, you talked to me a year ago, I would have said, I’m going to be running a podcast. No, wait, that’s not a thing. And I know this is a thing for people like you, and that’s amazing. But we initially started this as like a live event series, thinking about running a workshop style live event where people could come get free consulting. Our software is for it’s an ATS and CRM. But I don’t talk about our software, ironically. I talk about the challenges that we have in our industry, so I talk nothing about our software. So our live event workshop is where we talk strategy to tactics, really focus on growth, blockers, again across people processes and technologies. And I’ll give your audience a link in case they want to join. But you have a chance for live Q and A. We have a topic. We talk probably for about 40 minutes, and then you can ask anything. Live Q and A, whether it’s to myself. We have guests on our shows as well. You can ask them questions and really, you’re with a group of like minded individuals where you’re going to hear what they’re doing that most successful firms are getting right and be able to walk away. My goal is actionable insights. That’s my education background to really help gain success in their business. So that’s where my passion lies. The live events happen usually the third Tuesday of every month, give or take. They may change from one month to another, but mostly the third Tuesday, and that session is then turned into a podcast drops the following Thursday. So you can listen on any podcast platform that you want. Now, in tuning into these episodes, you’re also going to see two other types of podcasts that we offer. We do something called an industry spotlight. It’s more an interview style kind of like this, where we talk to the top leaders and influencers who are shaping the talent industry, get their insights, challenges that they faced, and then we also do something else again, the Industry Spotlights once a month. And then we recently in May dropped something called FDE Express. So FDE is Full desk experience, and it’s a miniseries where we explore maybe specific topics around those growth blockers, but they’re concise, short and sweet. So each episode we give you those actionable insights where you can implement right away in like ten minutes or less. Some people are like, give me the idea, I want to run with it. So we wanted to be able to talk to that audience as well. So we drop every week, at minimum sometimes twice a week. And it’s truly been amazing.

Brad Bialy [00:11:49]:

Friends, I think a lesson there is you don’t necessarily know how your target audience is going to want to consume content. Matt and I have said that on this show dozens of times that content is very much like the evening news. Some people might check Twitter, some people might listen to it on their way to work. Some people might watch the news. Some people might still read the newspaper. I haven’t actually seen a newspaper outside of the grocery store in probably five years. But you don’t know how people are going to consume your content. Your job seekers, your prospects, your clients, your candidates, whoever it might be, you need to be available to them how they want to be reached. So Courtney, I love that you’re sort of taking this whole methodology of, well, some people want live Q A, some people want bite sized forms. Some people want this sort of experience in interviews. Love that approach to it.

Kortney Harmon [00:12:33]:

It’s available at any podcast platform, so it’s easy to consume. I don’t even watch TV shows anymore, Brad. It’s everything short and concise, and I’m a busy mom, so I love it on the go. And I listen to people like you during my commute as well.

Brad Bialy [00:12:46]:

You know what, I’ve gotten back into podcasts lately. I hadn’t listened to podcasts. I think when we moved to be a remote team and COVID happened and I didn’t have my commute anymore. I didn’t have the office where Aaron, my old deskmate, was on a call and I needed to tune him out while I was working. So I put on a podcast. I lost that. And I think just recently I’ve actually gotten into a really cool wave of really video casts. I guess they would be I have YouTube running all day, and whether it’s because my son wants to watch Miss Rachel or because I want to watch a podcast. That’s just what I’ve done lately. Are you two finding the same? Are you into podcasts lately? How is that sort of changing?

Matt Lozar [00:13:23]:

Oh, I never stopped podcast all the time, honestly. My thing is, in the morning, I’ll refresh the feed, download I want to listen to. I am getting into more Brad. I think the YouTube, it also just changes up the pace. So I’m not just plugging the headbuds in off the phone every day. And it’s a little different. It probably builds a better connection. That’s nice. And my podcast hack tip is once you start listening on 1.25. X and 1.5. X, it’s impossible to listen to anything on one X. So that’s my productivity tip of the day.

Brad Bialy [00:13:51]:

You know what? You sent me something the other day. You sent me a link the other day. You texted me something, and somehow the way you sent it was sped up. I couldn’t keep up, man. I could not keep up. And it had to be because of how you grabbed the link, right? I think it was some sports related it wasn’t Haley marketing related, but you sent me something. You’re like, Check this out. And I was like, what is he doing? This is too fast. Courtney, how about you? When you look at content and I know you’re a podcast, you’re a content creator, right? At your core, whether it’s from an L D course or it’s a podcast or it’s the videos you’re working on, or I guess the Interview series or whatever it might be. What do you do, though? How do you consume content?

Kortney Harmon [00:14:30]:

Mine’s audio only, mainly. I don’t have a commute anymore. I take my kids, drop them off at school, come back, that’s seven minutes one way, so there’s not a lot. So that’s why the FTE Express speaks to me, because I’m like, hey, I want something short and quick. But most of the time, I have an infrared sauna. Guess what? It has bluetooth capability. So I have my own notepad in the sauna, and I can jot stuff down as I think through it, but I’m an audio only. Nothing against I will watch videos sometimes, but mine is mainly audio as I process just to try to hear what’s a pulse on the industry beyond what I’m hearing on my own.

Brad Bialy [00:15:04]:

Let’s talk about the industry. So you’ve been in staffing and recruiting for a while now. What are you seeing today that’s a little bit different than when you first got into the industry?

Kortney Harmon [00:15:13]:

It’s something that I’ve actually spoke on back in November. We in our industry have really shifted away from the concept of sales, right? It’s going back to that muscle that we haven’t had to flex, because over the last few years, for whatever reason, job orders were coming in. We had talent oozing out of our ears. Whatever it was, but it’s going back. To build up those foundational processes, we need to dust off the cobwebs from the things that we haven’t used. And you know what? It’s really easy to take an incoming order whenever they’re beating down our door, but it’s really hard to actively sell Go to find it. And honestly, the buying process is getting a little harder. We have different decision makers that we’re having to sell to, whether it’s the CFO involved in the process that wasn’t before. You’re not just selling to those specific department heads or just HR, maybe it’s a combination of everyone. But I know you’re going to know this and agree to this, but it’s almost shifting your team’s heads to a marketing aspect, really to thinking of how you should be speaking to the audience and the lens of focus that they have. So those companies that maybe haven’t had to flex that muscle over the last few years, they’re maybe seeing more of a slowdown than the ones who’ve maybe kept working diligently of doing the sales calls and upping their skill sets. Because let’s face it, we’re in an era of reskilling. So maybe working on something specifically in the downturn. But it’s not surprising we’ve gotten into a virtual world and we need to go back to the things that we did pre COVID. So are you one of those office that changed to virtual coffee or virtual QBRs or a virtual lunch? So those in person things really matter, speaking to the audiences that matter. Because when it gets down to we have to cut a vendor or we have to really focus on who we’re working with, because, let’s face it, belts are tightening right now in the concept of what we’re seeing or the overcorrection we’re seeing or the recession. However you want to label it, you need to stay top of mind. So I like to say that there’s no instant option when it comes to job orders. I don’t know. I think of food. Whenever you think of pudding, there’s an instant pudding or there’s a cook and serve pudding. There’s no instant job order. So you have to make sure you’re putting that focus on the sales that you haven’t had to do over the last few years. Like an apple a day keeps poverty away. But a call block of sales I’m sorry, an Apple a day keeps the doctor away. But a call block a day for sales keeps poverty away. It helps you run that balance desk.

Brad Bialy [00:17:43]:

What a quote. I’m about to steal that one. That was a good one.

Matt Lozar [00:17:45]:

That’s good analogies. You’re saying cornea. You’re preaching. I think a lot of what we try to say to our audience, it’s content marketing. It’s developing that trust relationship because businesses can’t just be order takers anymore. Like the job orders just aren’t coming. It feels like I loved also the way you said, is it a recession or is it a correction because it feels like especially a lot of the It layoffs happened. It was they just hired because they had a surge in 20 21. 20 20 20 21. Now they don’t have the surge. And unfortunately, it’s a correction. Like, we just saw it at ZipRecruiter the other day with 20% job cuts at the end of May, you can name a ton of companies. So getting back to the content marketing side, had to develop that relationship. And like you said, you don’t speak about the ATS. You speak about the challenges and become the thought leader and the expert. And it’s really cool to hear another company doing that, to become that thought leader, because that’s how it’s playing the long game, which is hard, but it works.

Kortney Harmon [00:18:36]:

It does. And speaking to the things like we’ve all been here during the recession, whether it’s 2009 or whatever, but it ebbs and flows. Our business has always ebbed and flowed, whether it’s direct hire, slowing down staffing, speeding up, or the idea of anything else in our industry. Using sales, going back to skill marketing or MPC or however you want to call it. But it’s just using different tools in your toolbox that you’ve had to use, just not as recently, but getting them out, making sure your foundational processes are built, making sure the technology fits into it, that you have the reporting you need as a leader to see the big picture. But yeah, just making sure they all speak to each other and just guide your teams back to the foundational processes, go back to that block level one or two.

Brad Bialy [00:19:19]:

I think that’s huge. I think having a consistent process from team member to team member to team member is critical. And it might sound obvious, but the more I talk to individuals throughout the industry and the more Matt, even I look at some things outside of the industry and Courtney, outside of the industry, there’s a consistent process that is lacking. And Courtney. You’re exactly right. When orders are just coming in, selling is super easy. And I feel like we’ve talked about this on Insights before. And Matt, I think we even had David Cerns, our CEO, wanted to talk about this in the past that the industry, in a way, has kind of forgotten how to sell. It was so easy that we got, okay, it’s strictly recruiting. We only need to focus on this that so many individuals forgot. Listen, it’s work. It is tough to close a good deal, and if you’re good at it, it becomes a little easier, sure. But there needs to be a process. And yes, that’s where marketing comes in. That’s where Matt and I talk on the show. Quite a bit of how to make those cold calls, warm leads. But Courtney, I think, you know, with your background, it all comes down to process education. Making sure everybody is trained the exact same and making sure they’re all using the same tools you talked about going offline, right. And getting away from virtual zoom calls. Matt has heard me say on this show a thousand times that we need to get back to just good old school cell sheets. Because the number of people that I have talked to in the last probably month or so because it’s sort of like the wave that I’m on who don’t have a good one, that talks about their value and what they actually bring to the table is astonishing. So, yeah, I think there’s a good pairing of both that needs to be.

Kortney Harmon [00:20:51]:

Done and I think one step further, I think sometimes in our industry and where we’re going and where the economy and the world is going is we’re oftentimes distracted by tools and AI. Yes, there’s a shiny object. There’s always going to be a shiny object, but if it doesn’t fit into your processes and give you the insights that you need or it’s not driving consistency and a cadence that works best for your audiences, yeah, use the automation tool. As long as it goes with what you’re speaking to and everyone’s speaking the same language and you have a thought out messaging, definitely it needs to not be a distraction. It just needs to be a cape or the superhero.

Brad Bialy [00:21:29]:

Matt and I were just talking about this. Matt this might have been last week or the week before I had said something that marketing tech and the AI tech is getting exhausting. That there’s just so many different things that do the same thing, that it’s so easy to buy into a 999 subscription. But at the end of the day, oh, this is why we talked. We talked about on the show because I had talked about how I cut cable, but now I have YouTube TV, I have Hulu, I have Netflix, I have all of these services that are more than if I just kept cable. And we got on that wave mat of, well, that’s kind of like marketing tech or recruitment marketing where it’s easy to buy all of these things, but if you don’t have a plan for them, you don’t have a strategy for them. It’s just excess, right?

Matt Lozar [00:22:12]:

You need the bundle. We got right from the bundle. You need the bundle again. Brad it’s just so amazing how cyclical it is. But it can be exhausting, overwhelming, like you’re following it a like it seems like there’s a new product every day. And if the three of us are looking at it all the time and it’s exhausting to us, then it’s going to be exhausting to people who don’t look at it every day or they’re just going to ignore it and see what comes out in the end to be able to figure out, okay, what’s good, what’s bad, and make decisions down then. But when you’re running a business and it’s a challenge right now, that’s a scary place to be.

Brad Bialy [00:22:45]:

So courtney, you’ve had the opportunity to run quite a few shows now with the full desk experience. Walk us through sort of your one or two biggest takeaways from the show, and that might be from one of your own trainings that you’ve done. Maybe it’s an interview. I want to know and our listeners want to know, what are those one or two big takeaways that you’ve learned from the show?

Kortney Harmon [00:23:05]:

It’s probably not going to be anything new or earth shattering. It’s going to be very high level. But this is something I’ve always thought in conversations as I was coaching over the years, but the podcast has just amplified my thought process. And my thought is there is a hunger for development in establishing a community of people in a people business. Right? It comes to no surprise there are many of us in the talent industry that just maybe need a sounding board, a validation of thoughts, a community of like minded individuals, maybe outside of our organization, not internally, to bounce ideas off of, to ensure our vision is clear. So the thought that the podcast that has just amplified, I see it even more. So whether you’re a leader of an organization that’s large and maybe feeling the pains of growth, you’re an entrepreneur and starting up maybe your own organization or firm and you’re trying to scale or you’re an operations leader trying to gain their footing and maybe initiating change. Or honestly, you could be an individual contributor trying to have success. But I think it comes down to we are developing good conversations, running effective workshops, and truly changing businesses. And we’ve had quite the feedback to tell us that what we’re doing is helping those organizations make a difference and it’s really, truly rewarding. So lesson learned, or lesson validated for me is that there are more of us out there in the staffing and recruiting industry than you think that are looking for growth discussions and maybe what’s preventing us from getting there, just the sounding board and the conversation. So I think that’s what the podcast has shown me. It’s more than I ever thought it was.

Brad Bialy [00:24:39]:

I love that thought. And I think it’s always astonishing when Matt or I go out to a conference or we have a new prospect on a call or our team shares with us if somebody’s you know, I listen to the podcast or I heard you on the podcast. Or I was at CSP California Staffing Professionals about a month ago, and somebody across the way said something like, hey, I recognize that voice. And I was so taken aback by it. But I think you’re exactly right. There is a need for development and there’s a passion for development. And I think what’s even more scary about that is if you’re not developing your leaders, you’re not developing your team, there is a passion for that development. They’re going to find that somewhere else. And that’s why we see. Turnover. That’s why we see people leaving, because there is a passion for development. I think that’s spot on accurate.

Kortney Harmon [00:25:20]:

Yeah. And I think honestly, we’re going to see that more as the job market changes in the future and the focus on upskilling and reskilling, and there is really easy resources for you to help your teams do that without necessarily paying for the certification or sending them to another conference. There are so many free options that it is truly amazing to me and help them get a mentorship. I’ve got to be a part of the ASA Women in Leadership this year and get to be involved in that and it’s just truly inspiring. I wish I had certain resources like that when I was growing up initially in the staffing world, but it’s just so nice to be able to see that and to see those relationships develop and flourish as our industry continues to evolve.

Brad Bialy [00:26:01]:

Matt, you’re also on an ASA committee, right?

Matt Lozar [00:26:03]:

I am on the social responsibility committee. Was chair in 2022, back on it again in 2023. I think it’s been four or five years, and that’s the committee where we have a couple of projects throughout the year. It’s always ASA Cares live at Staffing World where you have some kind of project to help put together some care packages or you do stuff with Jags America’s graduates, which is really awesome. I did that last year virtually, which they came up, they were high school students going out to the job world, but they asked some really awesome questions and that was really enriching. And then also, if you go to ASA Staffing World, they always have Pupana, I think it’s called, where you can donate money for charities, go play with puppies, and basically the Expo Hall clears when they bring out the puppies, and it raises a lot of good money for a local charity.

Brad Bialy [00:26:48]:

Good for you, too. I respect that. I do not currently serve on anything assay related, and I respect the both of you putting in your time to help the industry grow and continuously develop again. Courtney, I think you said it perfectly. There’s a passion for development and it’s great to see the two of you tapping into that and sharing and giving back to the industry. Courtney, I don’t think I asked you enough about Crolate and really give you the opportunity to share what it is that you do as an organization. I know we sort of glossed over it on our way through who you are and sort of how you’ve gotten to where you are now, but I want to give you the opportunity to share a little background with our listeners as well.

Kortney Harmon [00:27:27]:

Crelate is an end to end staffing and recruiting platform. Think about it for the modern agency, really focus on helping talent businesses navigate and win in increasingly competitive markets. So Crellate truly believes that people and process help build trust and create relationships and we’re here to help the talent industry do just that with their talent and clients that they not only serve today, but also in their future. After all, I’m not quite sure if you know, because I didn’t know this create that’s where our name came from. It was create relationships, so it’s create so the love for our product is there from me. But we also want to get we have a tech that really gets out of your way. We don’t want it to be a hindrance. We don’t want it to slow you down within your day to day in our space. So we help you facilitate those foundational processes that we talked about that are so crucial. It helps with your training. It helps with consistency, but it helps your company scale grow and succeed. So we believe that data integrity through the entire system from end to end is crucial, which really helps facilitate highly customizable reports to give our leaders in the industry that holistic view of your business so you can make decisions. So I’m a nerd about our product, even though I’m not allowed and not necessarily I don’t speak to it often, but that’s just part of our business. And again, for those that aren’t someone that’s looking to make a change for an ATS, you don’t have to. You can listen to our podcast. We can give you insights. So we do have something for everybody. I think that’s my most favorite part of what we’re doing here at Crelate.

Brad Bialy [00:28:58]:

So, everyone, again, that’s Courtney Harmon from Crite and the Full Desk Experience. Courtney, I want to give you the opportunity. Anything you may not have shared with our listeners that you want to share before we get out of this one?

Kortney Harmon [00:29:08]:

Not necessarily. I think we talked about all the things. Come join us on our platform. Join us for our live workshops if you have a chance, or you want to hear something specific or want specific training around an idea, send us an email at the fulldesk [email protected]. We would love to hear you and hear what your insights are. And we’re always looking for thoughts and hungers in the industry because we know that they’re there.

Brad Bialy [00:29:32]:

Well, Courtney, thanks so much for joining us, and that’s our show. Thank you for listening to another episode of Insights. If you found this episode valuable, we would love to know. You can message Matt or Brad on LinkedIn, or you can look for Courtney Harmon on LinkedIn and let her know you love this episode, as well. Have a question for us? You could tweet us at Haley Marketing and let us know what you’re thinking or email [email protected]. And, of course, if you need a hand with your marketing or recruitment marketing initiatives, we would love to help. You can check out Haleymarketing.com to get in touch with our team of marketing educators and be sure you tell them that Insight sent you. My podcast partner, Matt Lozar. This is Brad Biley. Courtney, great having you on the show. We’ll see you next time.

Kortney Harmon [00:30:25]:

I’m Courtney Harmon with Krillate. Thanks for joining the full Desk Experience. Please feel free to submit any questions for next session to [email protected] or ask us live next session. If you enjoyed our show, be sure to subscribe to our podcast wherever you listen and sign up to attend future events that happen once a month.

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