Customer Case Study: BRIX Recruiting Partners

How Crelate Transformed BRIX Recruiting Partners’ Onboarding and Efficiency

BRIX Recruiting Partners is a specialist firm in the construction recruitment space. With a dedicated team of 15, the company focuses on direct placement, leveraging industry expertise to match talent with opportunity. Andrew Henke, the managing partner at BRIX, oversees the multifaceted operations of recruiting and business development. Upon the contract renewal of their previous system, Andrew knew it was time to make a change.

The Challenge
Before Crelate, Brix employed a piecemeal solution, using Loxo for 18 months, preceded by a rudimentary mix of Excel and LinkedIn. Their tools lacked consistency, nuanced search capabilities, and hindered their training processes. They needed a more robust platform that they could shape to their evolving need — one that would offer efficiency, automation, and a stronghold over their data.

Why Crelate?
Crelate streamlined BRIX’s recruiting process with robust ATS functionality, advanced search, and automation, making onboarding and training more efficient. Crelate’s customization and mobile access simplify candidate management, leading to quicker hiring and greater team transparency, thus enhancing productivity and growth. BRIX’s switch to Crelate was motivated by several factors:

  • Data Ownership – The ability to download and truly own their data was non-negotiable for BRIX.
  • Customization – BRIX required a system that allowed for extensive customization to optimize their workflows.
  • Affordability – As a mid-sized firm, the platform’s cost was a paramount consideration.
  • Onboarding Support – BRIX valued a partner that could support them through the transition process.

The Transition
Moving from Loxo to Crelate, BRIX experienced a seamless onboarding process, attributed to a dedicated support contact at Crelate and a strong emphasis on customer service. This smooth transition was pivotal in maintaining operations without disrupting the recruiting process.

The Impact
Since moving to Crelate, BRIX has experienced increased efficiencies through:

Increased Growth

BRIX attributes its significant growth to the speedy market outreach, comprehensive candidate search features, and the ability to post on free job boards.

Enhanced Speed & Efficiency

Custom forms allowed quicker screening of candidates, streamlined submission processes, and clearer internal job responsibilities.

Greater Transparency & Activity Tracking

With Crelate’s ATS, the BRIX team could track calls, send-outs, emails and text messages, providing insight into recruiter activity and efficiency.

Improved Training & Onboarding

New hires could now get up to speed more rapidly, thanks to Crelate’s intuitive system and advanced search features.

In conclusion, the case of BRIX Recruiting Partners illustrates the enhanced efficiency and process improvements attributable to Crelate’s comprensive recruiting solution.

“I would recommend Crelate to any firm looking for a robust, in-depth ATS that’s going to last the growth cycle of your firm.” – Andrew Henke

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