Crelate’s What’s New in March 2017

Crelate’s March 2017 Product Release

We hope everyone is having a fantastic start to 2017!  We are back with another update of Crelate. We are excited to launch a number of improvements to our existing features. We have added upgrades to our Chrome extension, upgrades in security, added job boards, integration with Zapier, and several other improvements. The Crelate March release also offers a few BETA features (these are features that are feature complete and ready for early adopters to put through their paces).

Further, this release includes some new features to help increase productivity along with a smattering of highly requested feature requests! Our user community provides many feature requests and updates and we are happy to be able to continually make changes to make Crelate the best Applicant Tracking System on the market.

We hope you enjoy this release and we look forward to introducing everyone to more great updates in our next release.

– The Crelate Team


IMPROVED – Chrome Extension 3.0

It’s been a while since we last visited the Chrome Extension and as a tool that is integral to the workflows of so many of our customers, we decided it was time that we looked at all of the feedback we’ve gathered so far and then make improvements.
  • NEWIcon Indicator – If we recognize the web page that you’re on matches a contact in the system, we’ll turn the icon green to let you know! You don’t even have to have to extension open for this!
  • NEWChange Indicator – When making updates to an existing candidate, it was not clear that you might be overwriting existing data. This release makes it much more clear and gives you better control over what updates you make to your contacts and when.
  • NEWAutomatic PDF Resume Generation – When parsing a web page, we now have an option to generate a PDF resume from the parsed in information. There is even a setting that will check this option by default!
  • NEWDisable Automatic Ownership – For users that have specific uses for owners, it might be a pain to have the Chrome Extension automatically assign the importer as the owner so we’ve added an option to disable this! Find it in the menu of the Chrome Extension.
  • IMPROVEDSpeed Optimizations – We’ve made a number of optimizations under the hood that will help speed up the parsing process.
  • IMPROVEDPage Parsing – We’ve made a lot of under the hood changes with our page parser and as a result, you should see much more accurate information gathered. We’re always looking to improve this so if you find a parse that is inaccurate, please drop us a link to the page or save the page and send it our way and we’d be happy to take a look!
  • FIXED Many other tweaks and fixes – In this update we’ve also addressed many long-outstanding items and the tool should run much smoother than before!
Crelate Chrome Extension 3.0

NEW – Premium Security Features

In keeping with our trend of ever increasing security, we’re proud to announce the arrival of Two-Factor Authentication. This handy feature allows you to add an extra layer of security to your login. In addition to your password, we’ll send a special code to your choice of email address or phone number that will be used to login. It’ll only happen once, but it’ll prevent malicious attackers from logging into your Crelate with just your password. Two Factor Authentication is available for ALL of our products including web, tablet, mobile, as well as the Chrome Extension and Outlook add-in.

NOTE: This feature is in Beta and available to Premium subscribers only.

  • IMPROVEDDefault Password Strength – We’ve also upped the requirements on our default password requirements to ensure that new users are entering fairly strong passwords. (This change will not affect current users).
  • NEWStrong Password Enforcement – In addition to the changes made to the strength of passwords by default, an org can make the decision to force strong password support. This requires the use of special characters, capitals, and numbers in a user’s password and makes it even less likely that someone can guess your password. (Enabling this will not affect current users until they change their password)
Two Factor Authentication

NEW – Continued Job Board Updates

New with this release is integration with WayUp! This is a unique job board that is targeted at students and recent grads. If this is an area that makes up the core of your candidate base, you’ll definitely want to start publishing jobs to WayUp! Read more from their website here. We’ve also got a number of updates our existing integrations with ZipRecruiter and Resume Library.
  • NEWWayUp Integration – Connect with students and recent grads with our newest integrated Job Board. More details from their website here.
  • NEW – ZipRecruiter Improvements + ZipApply Support – We’re improving our ZipRecruiter integration by offering a way for jobs to be included in a free syndicated feed. We’re also debuting the ZipApply feature which allows applicants to apply directly on ZipRecruiter’s website and have those applications sent to your Crelate database.
  • IMPROVEDResume Library Premium Posting: We’ve improved our premium posting feature with Resume Library with direct posting capability! This is a transparent change, but behind the scenes, instead of waiting for Resume Library to pick up the job you want to sponsor, we send it directly to them.

NEW – Public API and Zapier Integration Support 

An often requested feature is an API to interact with your Crelate and we’ve taken the first steps in that direction. With this new feature, you’re able to develop apps and integrations that will perform basic create and update operations to your Crelate instance! With Zapier you can create zaps that will link your web apps with a few clicks, so they can share data. The idea is you can build workflow processes faster and get more done in less time (without the headache of writing code).

If you’re itching to dive in, you can check out the developer documentation for the API here.

NOTE: This feature is available to Professional subscribers only.

And a few more goodies…
As always, this release has a wide array of other improvements based mostly on customer feedback and requests.


  • NEWPassword Reset: It’s been a long time coming, but now anyone can reset their own password if they happen to forget it. No need to call support; you can request a password reset and get up and running in minutes!
  • NEWBulk Edit Contacts: We’ve added bulk editing for a handful of fields on a Contact. We’d like to expand this in the future so we’d like to hear from you how you would use a bulk edit feature!
  • IMPROVEDSubmittal Previews Show Date: We thought it was a little silly that you couldn’t see when someone was submitted via the preview dialog so we added that in.
  • IMPROVEDSubmittal Dialog Document Viewer: There were some inconsistencies that caused the document viewer to not render the document, but those are all fixed now!
  • IMPROVEDDocument Upload Error: You’ll no longer receive an error if uploading a document that already has multiple documents of the same name.
  • IMPROVEDFancy Quotes in Search: Better compatibility with Word when copying and pasting search queries with quotes.
  • IMPROVEDEmail Journaling: We now have better handling for emails with large attachments. If the attachment is 10mb or larger, we’ll go ahead and log the email, but we’ll leave out the attachment.
  • IMPROVEDLink Color in the Task Calendar: Links were really hard to see on certain colors like the default Task color. We’ve made the link color dynamic so that it’ll contrast with the background; making it easier to read.
  • IMPROVEDBeyond Applicant Email Parsing: We’ve upgraded our inbound email processor to handle the new format of Applicant emails from Beyond.
  • FIXED“Attach Candidate Resume to Email” option: We’ve fixed the problem that was preventing this option from being checked and unchecked.
  • FIXEDWorkflow Stage Email Templates: We’ve fixed the problem that was not including attachments when sending these emails
  • FIXEDiPad Unsupported Error: We had some intermittent reports of some iPad users that were unable to use the app, but we’ve added a fix for it! No need to update your app either.
  • FIXEDReports Filtering: We’ve fixed a couple of issues with the User activity grid so that filtering works as intended now.
  • FIXEDReports Time Filter: We’ve fixed the problem where the Last “X” time ranges were also including the current “X” in the time range.
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