A Letter from Our CEO
Dear Crelate Customers,
“Let’s just create an end-to-end enterprise-quality recruiting and talent management platform that’s really fast, flexible, beautiful and easy to use. But let’s build, price, and offer it in a way that companies of any size and industry can use and grow with it.”
That’s what I said almost 10 years ago when I co-founded Crelate.
Trust me, it was a lot easier said than done. But by following our values of continuous self-improvement and transparency, by listening to customers, and by committing to flexibility, we’ve earned the trust of the over 1,500 customers that have joined us on this journey.
And now, we’re launching our most significant product update ever: Crelate Omni™.
Omni pairs our fast and flexible front-office recruiting platform with an intuitive, fully integrated, middle and back-office offering. This offering enables us to support a wider range of staffing and recruiting customers by prioritizing recruiter productivity and enjoyment, and accelerating hiring, onboarding, and timekeeping.
Crelate’s name comes from the words “create” and “relationships”, words that evoke the heart and soul of recruiting. We selected the name Omni for a similar reason. Omni means “all,” as in Crelate is built to handle all your front, middle and back-office talent processes. More importantly, Omni and our new colorful branding also means that we are designed for all types of agencies. Big and small, regardless of industry, contingent, retained, contract, whatever.
If you are in the business of aligning people with opportunity, we are in business for you.
We understand, from the advice of many of you that have been in this industry for a long time, the importance of not losing focus as we evolve our product. I can assure everyone that our expansion into back-office is an “and,” and part of our larger commitment to the staffing and recruiting industry.
We know where we add value, and we know when it is best to integrate with partners. We remain focused on building a recruiter-first talent platform that is easy, flexible, scalable, and powerful enough for everyone from the one-person big billers of the world, to the largest and most sophisticated of firms.
Finally, I would like to take a moment to thank many of our early adopters and power users. You know who you are, and your continuous feedback has helped make the product, and company, what it is today. Saying we listen to customers is easy, but the proof is in the pudding.
As consultative builders, and prior recruiters/operators, our job is not to build every suggestion that comes our way — if we did, the product would be unusable and contradictory. Our job is to take a range of feedback, balance the technical and competing priorities, and deliver something that works for everyone. We do this every release, with over 50 improvements released this year alone that are directly linked back to current customer requests.
Feedback Wanted – Crelate’s “Summer of Love”
Our strategic roadmap is exciting, and we’re planning many investments across front, middle, and back-office. We’ve also more than tripled the size of our product team in the last two years.
Along with the launch of Omni and our expansion into back-office, we’re also demonstrating our continued focus on front-office and recruiter productivity by announcing our own Crelate “Summer of Love.” While we are always making improvements, during Q3 of this year, we will be dedicating extra resources to focus exclusively on top productivity and usability requests! My ask to our early adopters, evangelists, and power users is simple:
- Get your feedback logged in crelate.com, or via the Help widget.
- Up-vote your requests, (and get others to do the same). Submit your feedback by mid July.
Near the end of June, we will review the most up-voted requests and add as many to the roadmap as we can for delivery during the “Summer of Love”! We will do our very best to prioritize the items based on up-votes, subject to level of effort and all the usual development cost constraints that must be considered.
As always, thank you for your continued support. I look forward to growing together for years to come.