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Are you overwhelmed by the number of software applications your team utilizes?
Do you find yourself paying for multiple tools that essentially do the same thing?
Well, fear not! We’ve got you covered with a detailed step-by-step guide on how to consolidate your tech stack and increase your firm’s efficiency and productivity. Join your host, Kortney Harmon, as she takes you on a journey through the audit process, identifying redundancies, prioritizing the right tools, developing a consolidation plan, gathering feedback, and successfully migrating your company data. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and embrace the power of a streamlined tech stack. Your bottom line will thank you for it. So, grab your pens, ready your notepads, and let’s dive in!
Kortney Harmon [00:00:00]:
Get feedback from other departments in your company. Just because your team doesn’t use a particular tool doesn’t mean it’s worthless. It might serve a purpose for another team. Collaboration is key here, folks. Hi, I’m Kortney Harmon, staffing and recruiting industry principal at Crelate. Welcome to FDE Express, a short and sweet format of the full desk experience. We’ll be diving into specific topics to how you can grow your firm within ten minutes or less. Each episode will cover quick hit topics to give you inspiration and food for thought for your talent businesses.
Kortney Harmon [00:00:42]:
Hi there. Welcome back to FDE Express. I’m Kortney Harmon, your host, and I am thrilled to continue our tech stack consolidation journey together. In our last episode, we explored the amazing benefits of consolidating your tech tools. Today, we’re taking it a step further with the detailed step by step guide on how to make it happen. So grab your pens, get ready to jot down some killer strategies. Step one, my friends, it’s time to audit your tech stack. And I mean today.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:14]:
Now’s the time for action. I know the mere thought of going through your current tech tools might make you cringe just a bit, but trust me, it’s crucial for a starting point. So grab a strong cup of coffee, roll up your sleeves, and dive in. Start by assessing the software tools that you currently have. Take a close look at your off premise solutions and the SaaS providers that you have. And hey, don’t forget to check how many seats you have on each plan. We don’t want any surprises when the billing comes knocking at your door. Now, here’s the shocking truth the average company uses a whopping 110 different SaaS products or apps.
Kortney Harmon [00:01:57]:
Can you believe it? That’s a whole lot of tech bloat. But fear not, we’re here to help you declutter like a pro. For now, focus on determining the apps your sales team and recruiting team use regularly, the benefits each one provides, and the amount of money you spend on assessing these tools. It’s all about understanding the lay of the land. Before we start trimming the fat, ensure that you’re following your workflows to uncover all the pieces of tech that lie within your processes. Because remember, your workflows are the foundation of your success. Patience is key, my young padawans. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your streamlined tech stack.
Kortney Harmon [00:02:41]:
Step two is all about identifying redundancies in your tech stack. Once you’ve completed the audit and recovered from that initial shock, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get further down to business. Take a closer look at your current technology suite pinpoint apps that accomplish similar tasks or serve maybe overlapping purposes. Let’s be real. Paying for multiple tools that essentially do the same thing isn’t the smartest move. It’s time to trim the excess. For example, let’s say you’re using both an ATS and a CRM solution and a sales enablement tool do you really need both? Probably not. If the Sales enablement tool is solely used for content distribution, your CRM should be able to handle that just fine.
Kortney Harmon [00:03:27]:
The same goes for possibly ATS, CRM, and maybe automation tools. Many ATSs and CRMs are fully capable of sending automated marketing emails, so you might be able to bid farewell to those separate tools unless your marketing team has a particular need for them. Oh, and here’s a pro tip get feedback from other departments in your company. Just because your team doesn’t use a particular tool doesn’t mean it’s worthless. It might serve a purpose for another team. Collaboration is key here, folks. Step Three let’s prioritize the right Tools you’ve assessed your tech stack, identified redundancies, and now it’s time to make some tough decisions. Brace yourself, my friends.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:14]:
Ask yourself three crucial questions to guide your decision making process. First, do you really need each app in your stack? Let’s face it many of the tools you’re currently using may not be essential to your operations. Prioritize what truly matters and let go of the excess baggage. Next, consider whether the benefits of each app outweigh its cost. Sure, some apps may not be essential, but that doesn’t mean they’re worthless. Access the value in each app as it brings to the table. If the benefits outweigh the cost, it may be worth keeping. But if not, again, bid farewell.
Kortney Harmon [00:04:54]:
Lastly, don’t make these decisions in a silo. Consult with other departments team leaders to truly understand their needs and the tools that they rely on. Remember, different teams have different requirements, so a tool that does seem redundant to you might be crucial for someone else’s success. Oh, and one more thing be mindful of potential staffing shortages. We’re living in uncertain times here, and layoffs may be on the horizon. So consider the future when making these decisions. Tools that offer automation functionality, for instance, can help your team tackle the larger load even with fewer members. It’s all about future proofing your tech stack.
Kortney Harmon [00:05:38]:
Step Four let’s consider a consolidation Plan this is where the magic happens, folks. It’s time to bring all your findings together and craft a solid strategy for your streamlined tech stack. There are a few ways that you can approach this option. One is to eliminate all nonessential solutions. Sure, you might end up using a spreadsheet instead of a CRM, but hey, it’s your call. Just make sure you outweigh the pros and cons of each tool before waving goodbye, because those can be a headache. Another option is to eliminate point solutions. These tools are designed for specific purposes to invest in a single platform that can handle multiple tasks.
Kortney Harmon [00:06:18]:
This approach can save you money and spare you the headache of managing integrations. However, be aware that you might sacrifice certain business boosting features along the way. But here’s my favorite invest in a few tools that have a broad capability and connect them to create a cohesive tech stack. Imagine having an ATS and a CRM that helps with customer data management, automation, communication pipeline tracking, document management, reporting, and more. That’s a powerful tech stack that covers multiple bases. So just remember, this is an example. Your tech stack will be unique to your needs. The key is to choose wisely and ensure that the apps you select work together.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:05]:
Okay, step five. Let’s gather some feedback from your team. Before you go all in with your consolidation plan, it’s crucial to involve your team and gather their thoughts on the tools that you’ve chosen. Remember, they’re going to be the ones using this tool day in and day out, and their input is invaluable in making sure you’ve selected the right solution for their needs. So listen to their feedback, have open conversations, and make adjustments when necessary. Additionally, it’s great to explore softwares on sites like G two captera, tap into the professional network on the platforms like LinkedIn, and seek advice from others who have experience using the tool that you’re considering. Don’t underestimate the power of collective wisdom. And step six.
Kortney Harmon [00:07:50]:
Last but not least, it’s time to migrate your company data and train your users. Buckle up. This part requires some organization and coordination. Now that you know which software applications you’re going to be having a part of your tech stack, you’ll need to cancel the old services, sign up for new ones, transfer your data. Yeah, it might feel a bit tedious, but trust me, the benefits are worth it. You’re paving the way for increased productivity, cost savings, improved communication, and enhanced security. If you’re lucky enough to have an ATS that has a professional services team, this is where their expertise might be of perfect use. Because once the migration is complete, it’s crucial to train your team on how to use the new solutions effectively.
Kortney Harmon [00:08:37]:
That was a lot. In conclusion, streamlining your tech stack is a journey that requires careful assessment, decision making, and most importantly, collaboration. By following the step by step guide we discussed in this episode, you’ll be well equipped to audit your current tools, identify, redundancies, and prioritize the right ones. Develop a consolidation plan, gather feedback from your team, successfully migrate, and streamline your tech stack. Remember, the goal is to prioritize essential tools, assess their value, and ensure they align with the needs of your various departments. By doing so, you’ll not only optimize your operations, but also future proof your tech stack for continued success. So roll up your sleeves, take the necessary steps, and embrace the power of consolidation and cohesive tech stacks. Your productivity, efficiency, and bottom line will thank you for it all.
Kortney Harmon [00:09:32]:
That’s it for today’s episode of FDE Express. Stay tuned for more valuable insights and tech tips. Until next time, courtney Harmon signing off. That’s all for today’s episode of FTE Express. I’m Courtney Harmon with Crelate. If you have any questions or topics you’d like for us to cover in future episodes, please feel free to submit them to [email protected] or ask us live next session. And don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast wherever you listen and sign up for our monthly events to keep learning and growing your business. Thanks for tuning in to FTE Express, a short and sweet format of the full desk experience.
Kortney Harmon [00:10:14]:
We’ll see you next time.