Crelate Integrations - Recruiters Logic
Integrate your recruiting tech stack with Crelate and Recruiters Logic.
Use Recruiters Logic to connect Crelate with hundreds of apps, saving time and money.
With Recruiters Logic’s custom API and integrations, you can fill your pipeline automatically, log pre-hire interviews and tests, monitor payroll and timekeeping, update hiring authorities with insights and analytics, share useful content with your candidates (past and present), and much more.
Top Crelate Integrations Enabled by Recruiters Logic
Quickbooks Online
WP Job Manager
Gravity Forms
Growing up in their father’s recruiting and staffing agency, the Gipson brothers worked as recruiters for 15 years. During that time, they started to see a problem in the industry. An increasingly sophisticated and complex technology stack, but very little communication between the different systems. To address this need, the team created an API integration service that aims to combine the fragmented parts of your HR technology stack into one efficient and cohesive system.
Recruiters Logic’s approach to setting up your unique integration or tech stack is simple. They talk with you.
From that conversation, they learn what you need and make consultative recommendations on ways to connect your information and systems. With a 100% in-house development team, you will be able to work directly with the person setting up your integrations. Recruiters Logic’s end goal is to set up your technology stack so that you are comfortable, efficient, and able to better focus on the people side of your business.
A service of Recruiters Websites, Recruiters Logic represents one key part of an overall offering to recruiting agencies: Design, Integrate, Market, and Optimize. Whether you have a recruiting website that need some fine-tuning or a complete digital overhaul, Recruiters Websites has resources and experience to be part of the success story of your agency. Depending on your integration needs and technical knowhow, you can also use their pre-built integrations and platform to connect your systems yourself.
Talk with your Crelate representative to learn more about how to get more out of you HR technology stack with Recruiters Logic and Crelate Talent.
Want more info?
Book a demo today for a guided tour to learn more about how to leverage texting in your recruiting process with Crelate and Recruiters Logic.